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Communication- Revolving Focus 


BC Missions is seeking a self-driven, creative, and organized born again Christian as a communication intern.  The ideal candidate is an experienced servant leader with a heart for worldwide missions and sharing the gospel.  You are a college junior, senior, or grad student. You have intermediate to advanced social media marketing and communication skills, and you are seeking to strengthen your resume and skills through real world experience.

This position is for someone who has the mindset to prepare himself or herself for an extremely competitive job market. A portfolio of client-based work is what employers are seeking more than anything now. Your good grades and schoolwork are simply not enough.

This position is filled on a revolving bases. 

Applications for Summer are considered in Spring. 

Applications for Fall Semester are considered in Summer, etc.

CLICK HERE For Complete Internship Description and Requirements.
Send completed application to:

Videographer / Editor


Do you see the Bible play like a movie in your mind when you listen to sermons?  BC Missions is looking to work with videographers who are equally comfortable in front of and behind the camera.  The ideal candidate is an experienced servant leader with a heart for storytelling, a wild imagination, and the basic skills needed to edit videos for YouTube.  You are a college junior, senior, or grad student. You have intermediate to advanced video editing and on camera skills, and you are seeking to strengthen your resume and skills through real world experience.

This position is for someone who has the mindset to build a video portfolio of client work before taking a video editing, on camera personality, or video marketing position working at a Christian organization.  You are looking for the opportunity to reach people for Christ with your talents.

CLICK HERE For Complete Internship Description and Requirements.

This position is filled on a revolving bases. 

Applications for Summer are considered in Spring. 

Applications for Fall Semester are considered in Summer, etc.

PATRONS (Job Specific Volunteers)



BC Missions is calling out for professional sermon doodlers.  Yes, that is a real thing.  We want to take the doodles found on the edges of church bulletins, tracks, offering envelops, or even the occasionally well prepared sermon notebook or journal and put them online. The ideal candidates are people with a short attention span who grew up doodling and privately illustrating the message their preacher preached.  You possess an overactive imagination with a love of entertaining. You have intermediate to advanced cartoon drawing skills, and you are willing to help BC Missions reach people through what we, with a smile, call a sanctified imagination.

This position is for someone who has the ability to create digital cartoons and is willing to work with our team to turn their imagination into simple videos. 

Send a link or examples of your work to:

Bread Crumb Authors


BC Missions is seeking youth workers, pastors, missionaries, and seasoned born again Christian writers for our Bread Crumb devotionals.  The ideal candidate is an experienced servant leader with a heart for worldwide missions and sharing the gospel.  You possess a knack for real world application of Bible truth. You have intermediate to advanced writing and teaching skills, and you are willing to help BC Missions reach people through what we, with a smile, call a sanctified imagination.

This position is for someone who has the ability to create simple Bible devotionals and is willing to work with our team to turn their imagination and Bible study into Bread Crumb articles. 

Send a link or examples of your work to:


Get in touch so we can see where best to plug you into BC Missions!

Thanks for submitting!
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